Note: This article is a “Short.” Rather than a fully fleshed-out biography, this is just a collection of published biographies, obituaries, and other records related to an individual. This article may be turned into a full biography in the future, if time permits.


Stephen Oldacre Rabb, the only son and fourth child of William and Elizabeth Rabb, was born March 12th, 1846, in Appleton, Ohio. In September, 1846, the family moved in a covered wagon to Wisconsin. They made their first home on the bluff, southwest of Baraboo, on what is now known as the East Sauk Road. After remaining here for five years, they moved to Prairie du Sac. Shortly after, they settled on the farm along the Wisconsin river which was their home for nearly forty years.

After the death of his father, in 1879, Mr. Rabb took charge of the farm. In 1889, he sold it, and the family moved to Mazomanie, where five years later they built the house in which they have since resided.

After coming to Mazomanie, Mr. Rabb engaged in various enterprises, but in 1900, he turned his attention entirely to the meat industry and successfully conducted it for twenty years. In 1920, his health began to fail. He, therefore, disposed of his business, but continued to occupy the old home. Bright’s disease and a valvular heart trouble prevented him from doing any hard work afterwards, but during the summer months he helped care for the garden. He continued his work as secretary of the Mazomanie and Black Earth Mutual Town Insurance Company, which he had performed for fifteen years.

About a year ago, a partial stroke of paralysis affected his right foot, making it difficult for him to walk, yet he was able to get out frequently in good weather. His strength gradually failed. The days when breathing was difficult became more frequent. Tuesday afternoon, February 27, 1923, he became suddenly and seriously ill, and passed away at about half-past two o’clock the following morning. He is survived by two sisters and two nieces.

The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, with services at the home [unclear] officiating. Interment was made in the Prairie du Sac cemetery.

Those from out of town who attended the funeral, were: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Varnell, of Baraboo; Mrs. Helen Eccles and Geo. Winnie, of Milwaukee; John Bartlett, of Madison.

“Obituary,” Mazomanie Sickle, March 9, 19231“Obituary,” Mazomanie Sickle, March 9, 1923, Mazomanie Historical Society, accessed January 20, 2025

Published Biographies

1900 History of Mazomanie

STEPHEN O. RABB was born March 12, 1846, in Appleton, Ohio. The same year the family came to Wisconsin and lived on a farm near Baraboo and later in Prairie du Sac. In 1855 they settled on a farm in Mazomanie, near the Wisconsin river, where they lived until 1889. In 1880 the father, Wm. A. Rabb died, and in 1889 the family moved to their present farm near the village. S. O. Rabb now keeps a grocery store and sells flour, feed and ice. His mother and his two sisters, Joanna and Julia, reside with him near the village. Another sister, Mrs. E. M. Myers, lives in Baraboo.

William Kittle, History of the Township and Village of Mazomanie (Madison, Wis.: State Journal Printing Co., 1900), 133-1342William Kittle, History of the Township and Village of Mazomanie (Madison, Wis.: State Journal Printing Co., 1900), 133-134

Last Updated on January 20, 2025 by Andy Szudy

Rabb, Stephen Oldacre