Mazomanie (and the surrounding area) has had several schools throughout its history. Below is some information about Mazomanie-area schools:

General school histories

School Days, 1842-1963Kahl, Willetta (coordinator). “School Days, 1842-1963”. Willetta Kahl et al., 2008.

School Board Minutes

Mazomanie School District #2 Minute Books, 1859-1900Minutes from school board meetings, including treasurer’s reports, from 1859-1900

Haskall University (1857-1859)

Mazomanie Union Free High School (1876-1963)

Histories of Mazomanie High School
History of Mazomanie Union Free High School, 1876-1963Mazomanie High School Alumni Association. “History of Mazomanie Union Free High School, 1876-1963”. Mazomanie High School Alumni Association, 1969.
Graduating Classes