The Mazomanie Historical Society was organized in 1966 and currently has over 100 members. It operates a museum, a research center, and a document and artifact storage annex. The society is affiliated with the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. It is supported solely by donations.

The society is govered by an eight member Board of Directors who serve two year terms and who may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Board meetings are held on the third Monday of every month. An annual meeting of the whole membership convenes in January.

The society has a paid, part-time curator and two volunteer research historians. Members of the society assist in exhibit preparation, accessioning, restoration work, historical research, and other activities which advance the goals of the society.

The purpose of the Mazomanie Historical Society is exclusively educational. It was organized to preserve, advance, and disseminate the knowledge of the history of the Village of Mazomanie and the surrounding area. In fulfillment of this goal, the society operates both a museum and research center. The society’s research materials may be used by the public for personal projects, preparation of manuscripts for society publications, development of historical presentations, and genealogical study.